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ADHD Assessments: Text

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a collection of symptoms that are usually present from an early age. Most children are diagnosed prior to adolescence which can affect both girls and boys. 

The main domains of ADHD are in attentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Symptoms need to impact a child in various settings of their lives and impact on their global functioning. ADHD can have a significant impact on a child’s life and ability to manage and often be associated with challenging behaviour, where children can be at risk of stigmatisation/labelled as a naughty child instead of being understood, biologically, psychologically and emotionally. 

Children with ADHD could be at higher risk of being involved with the criminal justice system, at risk of exploitation, substance misuse and impulsive behaviour, and may struggle to be reflective of their behaviour. 

We  provide assessment, treatment, monitoring, review and ongoing psychosocial interventions for a child and family.  We assess ADHD by gathering information about a child’s developmental history, current concerns via questionnaires, structured and non structured interviews. We involve you at every step of the process and will liaise with school to gather a global and holistic understanding. We will work with your GP and activate a shared care agreement pathway where possible. 

There are two types of medication; stimulant and non stimulant medication which we will discuss in detail and there will be opportunities for further discussion. We are able to liaise with school and provide consultations and support. Medications are routinely reviewed, along with physical observations and in line with NICE guidance and the royal college of psychiatrists. 

We would always recommend psychological interventions following an assessment to assist understanding and management of symptoms, and to provide support to a child and family. 

ADHD Assessments: Text
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